The Physics CA laboratory is equipped with modern physics instruments and tools for designing, testing and analyzing various Physics and electronic circuits and systems. The laboratory provides a platform to apply the theories and concepts studied in the classroom and gain hands-on experience with the real-time physics and computer problems. By conducting experiments in the lab, the students learn to design new scientific experiments to analyze and troubleshoot, the scientific problems. The allied computer lab facility is utilized by the students to improve their computer programming skills.

List of Equipment

  • Cathode Rays Oscilloscope -30 MHz-scientific make
  • Digital balance-1000grms (±0.1g) Infra wind shield
  • Function generator-scientific -3MHz
  • Microwave oven
  • Magnetic stirrer with hotplate
  • Gratings-15000 Lpi HW type
  • Logical gate trainer kit
  • Microprocessor kit (8 bit)
  • Newton’s Ring Apparatus
  • Sodium vapour lamp complete set
  • Solar cell apparatus
  • Sonometer with wedge and pulley
  • Spectrometer
  • Telescope with scale
  • Travelling microscopes
  • Young’s modulus uniform bending method



The Physics CA Department Library is a specialized resource centre dedicated to supporting the academic and research needs of students, faculty, and staff in the field of physics. The library includes textbooks and reference books covering all major areas of physics, such as classical mechanics, quantum physics, Mathematical physics, Nuclear Physics, electromagnetism, optics, Heat and thermodynamics and modern physics. It also features a comprehensive archive of research papers, dissertations, and theses by department scholars and faculty members.


Total Books in Dept. Library- 427

UGC Fund


State Fund


Gift Books






  • Remedial Support for Weaker Students: Special remedial classes are conducted for the students who are struggling to meet the standard academic requirements in specific subjects. These classes are typically designed and conducted to fill the gaps in their foundational knowledge, which prevent them from keeping up with their grade-level curriculum. Students who need extra help are provided with free coaching sessions both in the morning and evening, in addition to their regular class hours.
  • Computer Literacy Program (CLP): This course was exclusively designed and geared with updated systems, oriented towards providing the required knowledge to the non- computer students and for their upliftment’s in computer
  • Parent Teacher Meeting: Parent teacher meeting is organized at the end of every semester, which facilitates for the discussion of individualized strategies for a student’s academic challenges and progress. During this meeting, the mentor offers insights into specific learning styles and difficulties of the These meeting provide an opportunity to involve, discuss and solve any issues the students are facing.