• The Readers Club was initiated in 2020-2021 to overcome the pandemic period with most number of Online Programs engaging the students. The students can join the club through Google Form at any time.
  • TNPSC-UPSC Aspirants Sub-Group is a part of Readers Club students who aspire to succeed in Competitive Exams, they are given awareness and sensitizations through WhatsApp group. Programs are conducted to create awareness on Government Service Exams
  • Book Review in Offline and Online mode is conducted every Week to instill the reading habits and encourage their leisure reading through Readers Club.


READERS CLUB – 2023 – 24


Book Reviews,Commomerating the Freedom Fighter -Tirupur Kumaran,Story Telling as a Profession,Reading Campaign are some of the programs conducted by Readers Club.



READERS CLUB  – 2023 – 24